Monday, April 06, 2009

Back in January my daughter asked me to knit her a hoodie... (again) I've been hesitant about it, as I wasn't sure about a pattern, and wasn't sure if she would like what I had knitted... her 1 request to not do was a hoodie like I had knitted for myself last year... (Interweave knits Central Park Hoodie) she also asked for some design features that I wasn't sure about making... I am a good knitter, but I need a pattern as a jumping off place...

I finally settled on a color of yarn, after hearing "make it a surprise"... "don't want to know"... In February, one of my favorite magazines came out with a sweater that was "it". In March, there were 3 different 'fittings, and this past Saturday evening, I got to give it to her... Her comment was 'freaking awesome'...


Pickyknitter said...

gorgeous! and the sweater is nice too *G* wish i could finish something. maybe if i worked on something...

KnitWithTammy said...

It turned out real nice! And you can't ask for a better responce than "Freaking Awesome!"

Which "favorite magazine", if you don't mind me asking?


Auntie Pita said...

Tammy, it was adapted from the spring interweave cover sweater!

Thank you pickyknitter

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Spinner of fiber, Knitter, Crocheter, Re-enactor