Saturday, March 25, 2006

a week not to be repeated!


This past week has been the week from hell... Quite literally.

Tuesday went to another town, on the promise that there may be work.. fill out paperwork, answer questions... type a paragraph, do 10 min of data entry... only to be told the unspoken, don't call us, we won't call you... all the while I am listening to totally unprofessional children with foul mouths whining about having to work, while I am desperately needing a job... that will pay anything at all... sigh

Wednesday went to another temp agency, again more paper work, answer more questions, told come back at 5:00 a.m. ... I get up at 3:45, start walking the 4 miles to get to the agency by 5... only to be told that ... we don't have anything until the 14th of April...

And those who know me know that I am a total obsessive about being on time... Friday I was supposed to test for a job... and the test I thought was at 11:15... WRONG... sigh... I went to where the test was, was in town at 10... went to the office at 10:45, and was told that it was too late, the test was at 10:30...

In reading this I am also realizing that this disastrous week was a series of 3's, and maybe the gods and goddesses are now smiling... (and Mercury is now direct... hurray for better communication...)

Today I was out at faire and saw some folk I had interviewed with last week, and was asked if I wanted to sign paperwork today, so I said sure... filled out yet more paperwork... signed yet another w4 for taxes to be taken out of a check... and was asked how much I wanted to work... I said as much as I can... and was told to come a week from Thursday and I can start doing prep work, and can work Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday...

A job is a Job... is a JOB... and right now almost anything is better than what I have which is nothing!

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Spinner of fiber, Knitter, Crocheter, Re-enactor