Tuesday, July 06, 2010


This past Sunday, was the 4th of July… the celebration of the beginnings of my country’s freedom.

The Declaration of Independence begins with: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Granted, this was written by men more than 200 years ago, but, I got to thinking about the things that I take for granted, little things, like being able to wear jeans and a t-shirt to work, instead of a dress and nylons….

Being able to pick a name for my child instead of being told that it the name had to be either feminine or masculine… and a prescribed name for a girl or boy, no gender neutral names…

Being able to drive myself to a get together, rather than relying upon my father uncle, brother, or other male family member to take me…

Being able to travel unaccompanied to my place of employment…

Being able to work in a profession that is of my choosing, rather than that of my families…

Being able to talk to my customers…

Being able to vote…

Being able to …

What I think the reasoning behind the various attacks on ‘us’ and on the U.S. is people may be looking at us and saying that because they can’t do xyz, that we shouldn’t be able to do it either. It is said that misery loves company, and people who are hurting want others to share the hurt… I can understand that… I try to not impose my hurt on others but sometimes I do rant and rave beyond a bit… That said, I don’t go out and say – you did xyz to me so you will have to pay back. Or you did xyz to my friend and I am going to retaliate.

I very much value the freedom that I take so much for granted.

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